Myrical Group Terms and Conditions

Before you participate or continue to participate, in any form what so ever, in any of The Myrical Group projects, products or services, you must read this.

At The Myrical Group we are not taking in any followers. We only accept leaders. What is the difference? Leaders accept accountability and responsibility for their own decisions. Followers blame other people when things go wrong. If you are a follower we insist that you stop your association with The Myrical Group right now!

Can things go wrong? Yes it can. Nothing is guaranteed. If returns are guaranteed, it is not investing anymore. It's saving and that you do at a bank!

Investing is high risk. Risk and reward goes hand in hand. The higher the risk the higher the returns, but also the higher the risk the higher the possibility that the project can collapse and you can lose all the money invested in it.

We are not interested in saving. We prefer investing, but we’re not going to take unnecessary risks and we are not going to promote something if the risk is too high.

Before we promote a new or existing product we do my own risk analysis or due diligence exercise on it and we insist that you do the same.

Take Note; Do your own due diligence exercise …Do not rely solely on ours. You can use ours if you wish. It's up to you how you wish to evaluate a project, but at the end of the day you and you alone decide if you wish to participate or promote it. Don't put a cent in or tell anybody about it until you are 100% sure you can handle the risk going with it.


The cryptocurrency investment industry represents a speculative investment and involves a high degree of risk. Investors must have the financial ability, sophistication/experience and willingness to bear the risks of an investment. An investment in cryptocurrency should be discretionary capital set aside strictly for speculative purposes. The cryptocurrency investment industry represents private, unregistered investment vehicles and is not subject to the same regulatory requirements as registered exchange traded funds or similar investment vehicles. The author is not registered with any financial regulatory body and does not claim to be an investment or tax advisor in any form.

The information and training material given by us or any of our associated entities on seminars, websites, videos, and emails or in any other form are given in good faith. We accept no liability or responsibility for the correctness, completeness and or and/or quality of the information and material or the results of utilization. By using the information and training material the delegate, user, reader or subscriber unconditionally cedes his/her rights to hold us or our associated entities responsible or liable for any results or damage which may occur by utilisation of said information and training material.

Very Important: When leaders are associated with anyone, upline or downline, it doesn't mean that they endorse that person's thinking or methods. For example, the fact that we refer our people to any events other than our own does not imply that we endorse the projects, thinking or modus operandi of the speakers or event organisers. We endorse only The Myrical Group methods as made known in presentations, newsletters and posts on our Facebook Pages and Groups.

If you accept these Terms and Conditions, you are welcome to continue. If not, you will need to find a home elsewhere!

If you accept, ask your sponsor to provide you with his or her Referral Code if you do not have it already.


The Myrical Group